Posts in Corporates
The Working Parent

Returning to work after having a baby can be a daunting time for many; it can be so helpful to have that extra reassurance – to know what to expect and how to prepare as your employees return to work. This session is aimed at mums, dads, guardians, carers and adoptive parents.

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CorporatesLucy O'Reilly
Eating & Mealtimes – Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits

It's reasonable to expect children to express likes and d​​​i​slikes when it comes to what they eat. ​​​​​​​​​However poor eating habits can develop quite quickly without us even realising it. This session provides your employees with practical advice and support around encouraging their children’s behaviour around food and the fact that many others are in the same boat.

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CorporatesLucy O'Reilly
Encouraging Positive Sleeping Habits for Our Children

Bedtimes and Sleep can be a real struggle for families. It can be a significant strain on everyone when sleep is broken. This session highlights the importance of positive sleep associations, providing the parent with the sleep know-how. My approach supports the caregiver on how to achieve consistency, providing a sense of security and predictability for their child​.

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CorporatesLucy O'Reilly
Screen Time, Smartphones & Social Media

Parents now more than ever feel overwhelmed and guilty by the impact screens and social media have on their children, particularly as we were all so reliant on them during the first Covid lockdown earlier in 2020. My insight into today’s statistics brings your employees through the practicalities of how they can support their children and teenagers through this digital age, leaving both parent and child feeling more empowered and supported.

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Positive Parenting

As many families come up against the challenges of managing their work/home life balance, children will often test those boundaries when with their caregiver. This session is very popular with many of my clients as it’s informative, practical and supportive for families. Working parents come away feeling empowered and encouraged to try new approaches.

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Parenting for the New Parent

Becoming a new parent can be daunting, overwhelming and exciting all at the same time, which may add additional challenges to working life for many parents. This session is aimed at expectant parents or parents/guardians of babies and toddlers which will cover a number of topics that will help support employees on their new journey to parenthood and transitioning back to employment after baby’s arrival.

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